
Monday, March 18, 2013

Lucky 13 - Spring Bling Show Success

Delilah - Color Champion

Delilah - Color Champion

Salt Creek had a wonderful show this past weekend and entered the Spring show season with the leading ladies (Hollywood and Delilah) showing the youngsters (Outlaw, Commander, and Bonecrusher) how to bring home the blues....

Delilah took Color Champion (white females) and Hollywood took first in her class (light fawn - unfortunately, not enough entries in lights for a championship round). Delilah rounded up her baby brother, Commander, and they took the blue in the Produce of Dam class.

Bonecrusher took the blue and the purple in Bred and Owned category - taking the Best of Bred and Owned for the Male category.

Commander had a big class and very tough competition and squeaked out a 2nd in the white juvie class - sweet!

Outlaw entered into a combined class as the only rose grey in a large sea of silver grey and was able to hold his own and take a 3rd place. Impressive bunch of greys coming up!

Great show in Neenah this past weekend! Congrats to all the winners and to the Show Committee for putting on such a great show!!!
Hollywood - Star of her class

Hollywood - Star of her class