
Saturday, December 25, 2010

December Snows...wish WE had these winter coats!

December snows!

December snows!

Been a flurry of activity here at the alpaca ranch! Holiday season brings out the shoppers looking for stocking stuffers (what better than alpaca socks or mittens?) and other delightful products to surprise friends and relatives. Love the shoppers - but it sure keeps us busy!

Even the heavy snows don't keep the shoppers promised, the day before Christmas we get a coating of white! But that didn't keep shoppers away at all! They lined up looking for those last minute alpaca items! Now this is what raising these delightful critters is about!!!

Of course, who could resist braving the snow and chilly temperatures to actually see the alpacas? Everyone still wanted to MEET the alpacas! Off to the barn we would go! Visitors would brave the elements and we all wished for warmer temperatures. The alpacas didn't seem to mind at all - they all had nice warm coats on already!!!
That's not an alpaca glove!

That's not an alpaca glove!