
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sleeping on the job….

Busted!  Grace and Hope caught snoozing in the hay bin

Busted! Grace and Hope caught snoozing in the hay bin

Ah…the sun is out…the birds are chirping…the alpacas are out grazing…the dogs are dutifully scanning the horizon for would-be predators…WAIT…what is this in the hay bin all snuggled up??? And is that SNORING I hear? :) It is hard to sneak up on these two…and seconds later, they popped up and jumped out (and rest assured, our third pyr was on patrol the whole time!) We understand when they are catching the sleep they need for the evening work ahead. But it sure is hard to get to the hay under there when these two are on top of it! Rest up, girls…it is coyote breeding season…and they are on the move!