
Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's Show Time!

Another BLUE for Takoda!

Another BLUE for Takoda!

The 2011 show season has begun for Salt Creek Alpacas, Inc.!

Takoda rocked the White Yearling class of 10 by taking the blue (1st) at the TXOLAN Spectacular Fleece Show in Texas. Cedar and Kohana each took 2nd – awesome for a couple of rowdy boys who loved to roll in the mud, straw, hay – whatever they could find! Great job fellas!!

Off to Neenah, WI for the Spring Bling! What a fun show this always is. Great facility, great friends, and it is always wonderful to see the newest kids on the block brought out by the various breeders. It is equally delightful to see new farms springing up at shows! Very encouraging!

Since our crias were born in October and November, they weren’t quite old enough for this Spring season….so we had to rely on our “old folks” – Takoda, Kohana, and Goldie. We had Blackjack along with us (although we had just sold him to Nueva Dia Alpacas) for this show. So glad we did! Blackjack ended up taking first in his class and Reserve Championship – wonderful for a two and a half year old! Kohana and Takoda both took first in their classes as well. Goldie captured the Bred & Owned category and got herself a trophy to match the one that Kohana captured the year before! Sweet!!! This will be a nice addition to her display when we go to sell Goldie at the Prestige Auction in September!

The Spring Bling also yielded beautiful Fleece Show results – Cedar and Kohana each took blue ribbons in their classes! Not bad for fleeces that had been well picked through from previous showings!
Bred & Owned and a trophy for Goldie!

Bred & Owned and a trophy for Goldie!

Kohana gets another BLUE!

Kohana gets another BLUE!

Blackjack (SOLD! to Nueva Dia Alpacas) gets Reserve Champ!

Blackjack (SOLD! to Nueva Dia Alpacas) gets Reserve Champ!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Great Escape!

I think it is safe to say that winter is still upon us...woke up to LOTS more of the white stuff...SNOW. Lots and lots of it. We actually only got about 8-12" but with the drifting...well, you can see...right up over some of the fencing. Not ideal when you consider predators can get in this way as well! to dig moats around both sides of the fencing we go...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year! The Sun is finally out!

Lacey and Pearl soaking up sun

Lacey and Pearl soaking up sun

Happy New Year!

As we usher in 2011, we are finally seeing sunshine and the snow is melted! Yipee! Everyone is out getting some much needed sunshine and stretching their legs.

Work begins for the humans on replacing the barn roof which blew off in the Christmas Eve blizzard...the temporary one is getting removed and the new steel one is going on...another cycle in the barn will be a beautiful barn roof to go with the beautiful new siding...only alpaca owners can get excited about this!!!

Sierra and Joya out in the sun

Sierra and Joya out in the sun

Saturday, December 25, 2010

December Snows...wish WE had these winter coats!

December snows!

December snows!

Been a flurry of activity here at the alpaca ranch! Holiday season brings out the shoppers looking for stocking stuffers (what better than alpaca socks or mittens?) and other delightful products to surprise friends and relatives. Love the shoppers - but it sure keeps us busy!

Even the heavy snows don't keep the shoppers promised, the day before Christmas we get a coating of white! But that didn't keep shoppers away at all! They lined up looking for those last minute alpaca items! Now this is what raising these delightful critters is about!!!

Of course, who could resist braving the snow and chilly temperatures to actually see the alpacas? Everyone still wanted to MEET the alpacas! Off to the barn we would go! Visitors would brave the elements and we all wished for warmer temperatures. The alpacas didn't seem to mind at all - they all had nice warm coats on already!!!
That's not an alpaca glove!

That's not an alpaca glove!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Arkansas - Ozarks Show!! Another Championship Round!

Takoda - 7x Color Champion

Takoda - 7x Color Champion

Great trip "down south" for the crew from Salt Creek! Southern hospitality is wonderful - great show, great people, great weather....what a fun show! It was really fun to get together with some old friends and meet some new ones! And in between, we got a few ribbons! Here's the low-down of how things went:

Takoda got his 7th Color Championship (sneaking by yet another Snowmass boy!)!
Kohana got another Reserve Championship!
Blackjack got another Blue!
Sapphire got a Blue!
Goldie got a Blue in Bred & Owned and a red in halter!
Takoda led the Breeders Best Three (with Goldie and Kohana) to the Blue again!

A great way to send the 2010 show season! Now we get to concentrate on halter training the next "crop" of crias - the Salt Creek Girls Club (all girls were born in the Fall of 2010 - too young to show this season!) will make an appearance next year after they are weaned and ready to hit the show scene!
Kohana - 2x Champion

Kohana - 2x Champion

A blue for Sapphire!

A blue for Sapphire!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Springfield Alpacafest - Championships Continue!

6x - Color Champion Takoda

6x - Color Champion Takoda

We had an excellent time at the Springfield Alpacafest. Excellent time to see friends and some wonderful and impressive alpacas. Salt Creek Alpacas did

Takoda, our 2 1/2 year old white male, took his 6th championship at this show! AWESOME! This is one male that just continues to impress us. Not only does he have an incredible handle (maintains that 19 micron count as a 2 1/2 year old!), but the density and consistency of this blanket is just and eye-popping WOW! Secretly, we just love that he continues to beat the juvies and yearlings. Way to go Takoda!!!!

Our other males also held their own:
Kohana took red in the dark fawn class (behind the Color Champion), and Blackjack also took the blue. Sweet!!!

Goldie went on to take red in halter, but the blue in the Bred & Owned Class. Sapphire took white in a big sea of black juveniles. We can't wait to see how Sapphire develops as she grows up!

Takoda led the Breeders Best Three (along with Blackjack and Kohana) to take the blue for Salt Creek Alpacas.

Next up: Ozarks in Arkansas - on the road again! :-)
Blackjack - another blue!

Blackjack - another blue!